Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

Hello friends,Today  in this post we and you will read about Optoelectronics (Photo Diode,Photo Transistor,Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor) if you like this post then don't forget to Share Your Opinion in Comment Section 

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

Optoelectronics is based on the quantum mechanical effects of light on electronic materials, especially semiconductors, sometimes in the presence of electric fields  

Photo Diode - photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts light into an electrical current

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
Friends, this is also like a normal diode, it also has a pn junction and it is also made of P-type semiconductor and N -type semiconductor But friends here only difference is that it converts the light into electric energy
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

As we know there are photon in the light and Even small particles of energy are in light So friends, this energy also has electrons protons and neutrons.

And we can say electron N type and proton P type Semiconductor So just here you understand that as soon as the light falls on the junction of this diode and there are small particles in the light which we call photons  due to the fall of photons on the junction, N type semiconductor and p type semiconductor are separated
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
Then starts functioning like our normal diode P type attracts N type and current flows But friends, keep in mind that this diode works in reverse bias

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor 
Friends, if you don't know how a normal diode works and what is a forward reverse bias, then you can watch my video below.

Photo Transistor - phototransistor is a light-sensitive transistor 
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

Now we know about the photo transistor, it is also a normal transistor, but there is a point to keep in mind that it Photo transistors do not have a base terminal  But instead of the base terminal there is a lens on which the light falls And it also works like a photo diode And friends when the light does not fall on its base terminal or lens Even then a current of a micro ampere flows in it,
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

 which we call dark current This is an important question
And friends this current It is (1+𝛃)Ico = Iceo This is an important question

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

And we use it in - 

Lasor Diode - laser diode is a semiconductor device similar to a light-emitting diode in which a diode pumped directly with electrical current can create lasing conditions at the diode's junction
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
The laser diode is made from P-type and N-type semiconductor, and the laser diode is mainly made of galium arsenide N type Semiconductor works as a substrat Its upper and lower parts are coated with metal
So here as you can see Some Value of Matter for Lasor Diode-

Types of Matter
Peak Value
Ga As
Al Ga As
Ga In AsP

In this, there is just the reverse of photodiode, the light used to fall at the junction of the diode on shedding and here we give electricity to it And the light comes out of its junction which is laser light When we gives power supply to it then the process starts in it like a normal diode Photons are released which collide with the atom and more photons are released 

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

So similarly when we increase the value of current in forward bias, then the number of photons emitted from laser diode also increases In this way, high-energy photons enter the depletion layer After exerting a reflex end, the avalanche effect causes it to exit the output terminal in the form of a laser light
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
Now talk about its use, we use it in - 

Optical Sensor - Function An optical sensor converts light rays into electronic signals. It measures the physical quantity of light and then translates it into a form that is readable by an instrument. An optical sensor is generally part of a larger system that integrates a source of light

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
Here we all have talked about photo diode, photo transistor and laser diode now about optical sensors So friends, it also converts light into electric signal Optical sensor is similar to photo transistor The optical sensor senses the light received at the output terminal and sends the value to the measurement instrument, Then It is connected to an electrical trigger which changes the light as well as the electrical signal Changes

Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

one or more light beams can be mesured by optical sensors, depending on the wavelength of the change light.
Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor
I Hope You Understand about Optoelectronics - Photo Diode, Photo Transistor, Lasor Diode and Optical Sensor

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